Dockmate ultimate mooring whips
Dockmate ultimate mooring whips

Doing so will affect the moor- ing whips ability to protect your water craft and will void the m a n u f a c t u r e r s warranty.Ĭraft Up to 18 ft. With an excess of tension as shown in these- d i a g r a m s. Optional Bow Cleat Usage if Bow or Stern Cleats Unavailable (See 6A)

dockmate ultimate mooring whips

Whip Line Bow & Stern (Keep as vertical as possible) See Product Chart “A” regard- ing this dimension.

dockmate ultimate mooring whips

The rocker base should adequately adjust for tidal variations that could exceed the abilities of whips with a rigid non-pivoting base. Alternatively, Mooring whips with a rocker base (models 3450, 3650 & 3850) may be installed for such applications. Adjustments are sel- dom necessary on floating docks, as the dock and boat will rise and fall accordingly. Failure to make adjustments to spring and whip line tension in such conditions may result in damage to the whips and void the manufacturers warranty, see Fig. CAUTION: For installation of mooring whips on stationary docks in locations where water levels fluctuate more than 2 ft., mooring whips without a rocker base MUSTbe adjusted periodically to compensate for these variations. Pull each whip tip down in inches, as the whip is in total length, ie. Softwood docks such as cedar should have a 3/8” hole drilled through the dock at each mounting hole location of the base and 3/8” bolts or “carriage” bolts and use washers, lock- washers and nuts or locking nuts in place of the 3/8” lag bolts sup - plied with your mooring whip kit.ĬAUTION: When adjusting whip and/ or spring line tensions Do Not over-torque the whip. Lag down the whip bases with the lag bolts and washers supplied.Ĭoncrete docks will require lag bolts and masonry plug Mark the location of the mounting holes for the bases and drill NOTE: In applications where side cleats are unavailable a center bow or stern cleat of the boat may be used. This bolt should be adjusted only enough to eliminate any freeplay between the rocker base arm and the rubber bushing. #1b also illustrates the location of a bolt at the rear of the rocker base which is used to adjust the freeplay of a completed whip assembly. Space whip bases accordingly for such an application.ĪTTENTION: Fig.


Install additional cleat(s) on the boat if necessary to retain the 2/3 rule. The general rule is that the span between the whips should be approximately 2/3 of the boats’ overall length. The boat making sure that the whips are perpendicular to the edge of the dock. Align the whip bases with their respective cleats on the bow and stern of

dockmate ultimate mooring whips

Locate the cast aluminum bases 4-5” from the edge of the dock. This is preferrable to cause the boat to stay clear of the dock rather than be forced towards it. The recommended location for mooring whips is on the side of theĭock which is most protected from winds. Mooring whips require a firm, secure footing for mounting. Weight and water level vari- ations are more critical factors than length in estimating your requirements. IMPORTANT: Ensure that you have purchased the appropriate DockEdge Mooring Whip for your application. I M P O R T A N TN O T E ST O ENSURE A SAFE, SECURE INSTALLA- TION & WARRANT Y O U R NEW M O O R I N GW H I P S Note: Some mooring areas may be too rough for any type of tie-up system. Warning: Failure to follow proper installa- tion instructions voids warranty and may lead to product failure and/ or property damage.

Dockmate ultimate mooring whips