#Contraption maker nowhere to run generator#
That fuel consumption adds up fast and requires us to service the generator more often. Why not run the generator? 10 hours of generator uses about 5 gallons of fuel.

(It’s a challenge to manage resources with 5 additional people who are not accustomed to living with limited resources). Why not run the A/C overnight? We don’t have enough battery power to run the A/C all night and keep up with all the other power demands of the boat.It was the hottest part of the day and it’s o-so-nice to circulate air and bring down humidity. Why didn’t you run the A/C? We did in the afternoons when the sun was high (and our solar panels were bringing in lots o’ power to the batteries).Here’s a quick recap of what we covered in the video: Kinda cool right?! Ok, now about those details.